Registration account updates

Hi everyone,

Due to recent information privacy concerns, we've switched our registration software over to using username/password-based authentication. To help you pick up your badge more quickly, we'd like to ask you to set up a username and password in our registration software before 11:59:59 PM PDT on April 21.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Click on the button at the bottom of this post. You should see a form asking for an email address, like this:

    A screenshot of the page for creating a new account, which asks for the email address that you used to register for Furlandia.

  2. Enter the email address that you used to register for Furlandia before, then click Next.

    You should receive an email with an activation button:

    A screenshot of the email that our registration software will send you to create your account.

  3. Click on the button in the email. It will bring you back to the registration page, where you can pick a username and set a password.

    We recommend that you make a long password for better security. If you use a password manager, great! Let your password manager do the heavy lifting. Otherwise, the longer the better—just make sure it's not a common phrase, and that you will actually remember it.

  4. When you're done, you'll be taken back to the login page. We recommend that you try logging in with your new username and password, just to make sure that everything is working correctly.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • If you haven't registered for Furlandia before, you can still follow these instructions. Just enter the email address you'd like us to have on file for you, and you'll be good to go!

  • Some of you may have trouble logging in after setting up your account. If this is the case, and you are using your fur name as your username, consider whether your name is common in the community. There's a known issue with our registration software where it doesn't tell you if a username is already in use—it will just bring you back to the login page without any explanation.

  • If you reach a page that says that your IP address has been blocked for "suspicious activity", please wait a few hours and try again—it is part of an additional security measure to stop automated use of the registration software.

  • If you end up on the login page…

    A screenshot of the login page.

    … and haven't set up an account yet, just click on the link on the page that says "New user or lost password? Click here!"

If you have any questions about this process, or face any trouble after following these instructions, please let us know at and we'll be happy to help you out.