Furlandia 2014 Events
Here is our events schedule to date! It's not final, as some panels are being added last moment, and corrections made. Check it out Event Schedule
Dances And DJs
We will has them.
Expect more info in the future about dance specifics. We'll have dances both Friday and Saturday nights, and no doubt we'll find something to do Sunday!
If you are interested in being a DJ at Furlandia, apply! No silly form to fill out on the site, just send an email to theater@furlandia.org and give some details about what you'd like to do. Our Theater department will get back to you after that.
Programming and Panels
So you've had this amazing idea for a panel that would be great at Furlandia, right? We want to hear about it.
We are now accepting panel submissions. Send an email to programming@furlandia.org to get your slice of our programming schedule.
Have a suggestion but don't want to host it? That's fine too, you already know where to send it!
Fursuit Parade
Of course there will be one.
Dance Competition
There will be one of these too. If you want to sign up to participate OR judge send an email to dancecomp@furlandia.org
Fursuit Games
We sure hope so! We are currently looking for people who want to help organize and host. Email triss@furlandia.org if you are interested in helping us out
Ice Cream Social
Everyone loves ice cream. If you don't, you're a monster! Unless you aren't, in which case we're sorry.
You can pick up tickets for a small fee online using the registration system, and at con in registration. While supplies last!