Contact Furlandia
About Furlandia
First and foremost, Furlandia is made possible by those people who dedicate their time and attention to making it function. Long term planning is seen to by the oversight organization; Rainfurrest Anthropomorphics International. The RAIn Board of Directors is, as you might have surmised, is also responsible for the long term planning of Rainfurrest, our sister convention. More information about RAIn and what it does is availabe on their website.
Furlandia sprung in to existence in Portland in 2013. It was initially headed by a small group that grew over time. Against all odds (some odds?); it was planned, assembled, and launched within about a 4 month time period. It enjoyed a resounding success as first year conventions go, and year two took root. Furlandia enjoyed the encouragement and guidance of RAIn as our neighbor to the north, and eventually joined under their corporate umbrella with the goal to provide quality events, education, and entertainment, as well as to support local charities.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings vary in location and time at the moment while we search for a permanent home for them. Times usually fall between 1 and 4 PM but can change. Info posted as it becomes available.
April 5, 2014 - Portland State University: Library room 530 - 1:30 - 4:00pm (Gather outside around 1:15)
April 19, 2014 - Portland Central Library: US Bank room - 2:45 - 5:45pm
May 3, 2014 - Portland State University: Library room 530 - 1:00 to 4:00pm
May 17, 2014 - Portland State University: Library room 530 - 3:00 to 6:00pm - Last meeting before con
Contact Furlandia
By Email
triss@furlandia.org - Co-Chairman
registration@furlandia.org - Registration Information
dealers@furlandia.org - Dealers Den Information
hotel@furlandia.org - Hotel Questions
theater@furlandia.org - Theater Department
programming@furlandia.org - Programming and Events Information
dancecomp@furlandia.org - Dance Competition
operations@furlandia.org - Convention Operations
staffing@furlandia.org - Staffing and Volunteer Information
conbook@furlandia.org - Conbook Information
marketing@furlandia.org - Marketing
gaming@furlandia.org - Gaming Information
jaden@furlandia.org - Webmaster and IT Wizard
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 5245
Beaverton, OR 97006
Social Media and Other Stuff
Furlandia TwitterFurlandia Facebook
Furlandia FurAffinity