Guests of Honor
Laminar Fox

Laminar Fox is a Materials and Contamination Engineer for NASA's Artemis Program, focusing specifically on the Space Launch System Core Stage and Exploration Upper Stage.
Over the last 9 years, Laminar has worked for NASA and its subsidiaries, with the last 6 years focused directly on the Artemis missions, which plan to return humanity to the moon and open up the Gateway to Mars.
Paints, primers, adhesives, foam, sealants and all the like, Laminar has tested it (but not tasted it!), making sure the materials are up to spec and ready for space travel.
Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, Laminar dove into the fandom headfirst 8 years ago and has become easily recognizable with his bright orange fluff or readily heard in the lobby playing clarinet in fursuit. He is easy to spot, usually toting around an orange slice of varying size.
When not parading around as a bright orange fox or building rockets, Laminar enjoys online gaming with friends, being a game master for a local Dungeons and Dragons campaign, and touring friends around New Orleans. Laminar is always friendly and enthusiastic when in character (and even out of character!) and can usually be trusted to offer hugs to fellow furries.
Special Guest: Daniel D. Dubrick, Aerospace Historian

Known to many in northwest US fandom since 1980, Kahboi (pronounced Cowboy in English) has for many years been the editor for the H.R. McMillan Planetarium's affiliated space and astronomy educational BBS "SpaceBase™". At the peak of Fidonet's success, the results of Dan's editing effort were reaching out to over 5,000 amateur BBSes worldwide weekly and a readership estimated in the tens of thousands.
Dan has also witnessed space launches as an accredited journalist representing SpaceBase (including the US Space Shuttle). He has done panels and presentations at numerous conventions, including WorldCons, NASFics, Westercons, and many PNW conventions.